Iowa Foreign Animal Disease Defense Program
Regional in-person IFAD events
Future events are still being scheduled. Please contact with questions.
Diseases like highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), have cost billions of dollars and millions of animal lives in recent outbreaks. Due to Iowa’s agricultural importance, Foreign Animal Disease (FAD) outbreaks have large effects beyond the farm and into the entire state of Iowa and the nation. As seen during past outbreaks, trained professionals are a critical resource in controlling an outbreak and the first to be depleted. This is where accredited Iowa veterinarians can play an important role in outbreak mitigation.
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, in collaboration with the Center for Food Security and Public Health, is offering regional meetings as part of the Iowa Foreign Animal Disease Defense Program (IFAD) to further develop our state’s Foreign Animal Disease response capabilities. Participating in IFAD enhances Iowa’s ability to detect, respond, mitigate, and recover from FAD outbreaks by training professionals to fulfill these crucial needs. IFAD provides Iowa veterinarians with the right tools to identify FADs, collect appropriate samples, familiarity with reporting, and more.
This program is designed to increase the number of Iowa veterinarians who are knowledgeable and skilled in FAD preparedness and response through a hybrid structure consisting of in-person and online components for accredited veterinarians. Regional meetings are the key component of the IFAD program and attendance will allow participants to access online content. In-person training consists of certified foreign animal disease diagnostician (FADD) training as well as diagnostic sampler training for use in developing clients to become certified sample collectors in accordance with the Secure Food Supply program. Online module topics may include but are not limited to biosecurity, Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccination, and outbreak planning and investigation.
These events are for all Level II accredited and licensed Iowa veterinarians. The IFAD program will provide you with the necessary resources to prepare your clients to respond to a foreign animal disease (FAD) outbreak. The program is free and counts as veterinary continuing education credit.
“Thank you for all the work you do for the state of Iowa and our profession. Your work impacts so many and is imperative to the health of animals and people in our state and nation. Please consider taking that one step further by participating in the IFAD program.” Dr. Jeff Kaisand
For more information and updates please visit Veterinary Resources | Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (