Dual Path Platform (DPP) Submission Policy
Instructions to Designated Accredited Veterinarians
USDA APHIS Veterinary Services has recognized that some samples collected for the DPP assay for tuberculosis testing are not received at the National Veterinary Service Laboratories (NVSL) in a timely manner consistent with the instructions provided in VS Guidance document 6701.3 VSG 6701.3. Further, some samples are submitted to NVSL with incomplete VS10-4 laboratory submission forms. Accredited veterinarians and specifically designated accredited veterinarians (DAVs) defined in 9 CFR 77.20 are specially trained and approved to collect serum samples for the DPP test. The DAV is responsible for collection of samples, preparation of samples, accurate completion of the VS 10-4 submission form and submission of samples to NVSL. To resolve the issue with delayed receipt and incomplete documentation, Veterinary Services is issuing VSG 6701.4 with the following instructions for accredited veterinarians, producers and regulatory officials.
- Samples collected for DPP analysis must be received by NVSL no later than 5 days after the sample collection date.
- Samples must be shipped so that they are received by NVSL on Monday through Friday.
- Samples must not be shipped for receipt by NVSL on weekends or holidays.
- Sample submission forms must be accurate, complete and must include a sample collection date.
Samples received by NVSL more than five days after the sample collection date will be classified as invalid by the state epidemiology officer.
Samples submitted to NVSL without a collection date or other required information will be classified invalid by the state epidemiology officer until the submitting accredited veterinarian provides a corrected copy of the VS10-4 to the Area Veterinarian in Charge, State Animal Health Official and NVSL. Samples received on the weekend will be considered to have been received on the following Monday and classified invalid if this exceeds 5 days from the collection date. Samples received on a federal holiday will be considered received the following day and classified invalid if this exceeds 5 days from the collection date.
Samples received after 5 days or otherwise determined to be invalid will be processed at NVSL and user fees will be collected for this service.
Repeated failures to comply with submission requirements may result in removal of DAV status. Falsification of collection dates or samples may result in removal of accreditation.
Please contact the State Animal Health Official or Area Veterinarian in Charge of your respective state.