Nominate Conservation Leaders in Your Community for the 10th Annual Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award

DES MOINES, Iowa (Feb. 3, 2022) – Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg, Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig and Department of Natural Resources Director Kayla Lyon invite Iowans to nominate individuals or families in their communities for the 10th Annual Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award. Nominations will be accepted until Monday, May 2, 2022, to be considered for the 2022 awards ceremony held at the Iowa State Fair.

Farmers and landowners who invest in conservation practices, like cover crops or wetlands, and incorporate best management practices into their operations to improve and protect the state’s natural resources are eligible for the award. They must also actively serve as leaders in the agriculture community.

“Iowa farmers are known for leading by example,” said Gov. Reynolds. “Generations of Iowa farmers have utilized practical conservation practices and have gone above and beyond to be good stewards of our land while feeding the nation. Every year, we get to recognize their efforts and thank them during the Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Awards and share their successful stories to inspire other farmers to adopt similar practices.”

“This year marks the 10th anniversary of recognizing farmers and landowners who are working to improve soil health and water quality in their farming operations,” said Secretary Naig. “They’re not only dedicated environmental stewards, but also leaders in their own communities by showing others how to do the same. These efforts are helping to positively impact our state and downstream.”

“It is important to recognize Iowans who lead by investing in conservation stewardship as part of their agriculture operation,” said Director Lyon. “Generations from now will benefit from the concerted effort these farmers and landowners have made today to protect Iowa's lands and waters while preserving Iowa’s proud agricultural heritage.”

An appointed committee representing both conservation and agricultural groups will review the nominations and select the winners. The recipients will be recognized on Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2022, at the Iowa State Fair. Gov. Reynolds, Lt. Gov. Gregg, Secretary Naig and Director Lyon will present the winners with an Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award and a yard sign donated by Bayer.

Since the creation of the award in 2012, nearly 700 farm families have been recognized. The nomination form and a list of previous awardees can be found at


About the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Led by Secretary Mike Naig, the Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship serves the rural and urban residents that call Iowa home. Through its 14 diverse bureaus, the Department ensures animal health, food safety and consumer protection. It also promotes conservation efforts to preserve our land and enhance water quality for the next generation. Learn more at

Media Contact:
Don McDowell
Communications Director