The State Soil Conservation and Water Quality Committee promotes the adoption of proven water quality practices and provides expert advice and input related to technical and financial assistance programs administered by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.

The Committee membership includes 12 members appointed to two-year terms by the Iowa Secretary of Agriculture. The members include six farmer members from geographic regions of Iowa, including at least one who specializes in tree farming. Additional membership includes an elected Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner, a representative of the state’s mining industry, a member who resides in a city or town, a representative of an organization working in conservation or outdoor recreation, a representative of agribusiness, and a representative of an engineering or land contracting business that works on conservation projects.

The Committee meets quarterly, and each meeting will include a topical presentation related to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s Division of Soil Conservation and Water Quality. They provide important feedback related to the Department’s soil and water programs and assist with outreach efforts to spur new ideas or partnerships to explore. The meetings also provide an opportunity for interaction with the core conservation partnerships of the Department, which includes NRCS, Conservation Districts of Iowa, Extension and DNR. The Committee hosts a summer conservation tour, an annual tradition that dates back more than four decades.

Innovation and Demonstration Grant Program


Committee Members

Bruce Barnhart
Representative of Agribusiness

Dennis Carlson
North Central Iowa Farmer and Tree Farmer Representative 

Steve Hofmann
South Central Iowa Farmer

Jody Kerns
Northeast Iowa Farmer and Tree Farmer Representative 

Mike McGhee
Representative from a City or Town  

Colleen Miller
Northwest Iowa Farmer

Luke Monat
Representative from Engineering Firm or Land Contracting Industry

Ramona Nitz
Representative from a Soil and Water Conservation District 

Kent Stuart
Southeast Iowa Farmer

John Tuthill
Representative of Iowa’s Mining Industry

Ashley Utt
Representative of an Organization involved in Conservation or Outdoor Recreation

Southwest Iowa Farmer


Date Time Location Agenda Minutes
March 11, 2025 1:30 pm Wallace Building, Conference Room 2 Agenda  
November 20, 2024 10:00 am Wallace Building, Conference Room 2 Agenda  
June 10, 2024 1:30 pm Wells Visitor Center & Ice Cream Parlor
115 Central Ave NW, Le Mars, IA 51031
Joint Agenda
May 2, 2024 9:00 am Teams Meeting Agenda Minutes
February 8, 2024 9:00 am Wallace Building, Conference Room 2 Agenda Minutes


Contact for additional meeting information.