Feed Resources

Labeling and Pet Food Registration


Tonnage Reports and inspection fee


Webinar Recordings

May 2022 Presentation

Online Licensing Portal

The Commercial Feed and Fertilizer Bureau has launched a new online system to improve customer service.

Learn more and access the portal.


Feed Tonnage Distribution Reports

2022 | R1 | R2 | R!

2021 | R1 | R2

2020 | R1 | R2






Feed Analysis Reports

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014


Feed Tonnage Historical Data
First Half Tons Sold Second Half Tons Sold Total Annual Tons Net Tons Percent Change from Previous Year Net Tons 5-Year Rolling Average
7,371,185 7,396,530 14,767,715
First Half Tons Sold Second Half Tons Sold Total Annual Tons Net Tons Percent Change from Previous Year Net Tons 5-Year Rolling Average
7,029,855 7,464,968 14,494,822
First Half Tons Sold Second Half Tons Sold Total Annual Tons Net Tons Percent Change from Previous Year Net Tons 5-Year Rolling Average
7,754,602 7,598,472
First Half Tons Sold Second Half Tons Sold Total Annual Tons Net Tons Percent Change from Previous Year Net Tons 5-Year Rolling Average
4.90 13,722,232
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I need a feed license?

You need a feed license if either of the following apply to you:

  • You are the guarantor on the label

  • You sell the feed to an Iowa company even if you are not the guarantor

How do I apply for a feed license?

The Commercial Feed and Fertilizer Bureau has launched a new online system to improve customer service.

Learn more and access the portal.


How do I apply for a pet food license?

Use the same form as above. If you distribute pet food or specialty pet food in packages of 10 pounds or less, a listing of each product and a label must be submitted for the products which are distributed. A separate charge of $50 per each product is required.

How long is my feed or pet food license effective?

Feed licenses are effective for two years. Licenses are renewed by July 1st of the odd-numbered years: 2019, 2021, 2023, etc. The cost to renew a license is $20.00 for two years.

Where can I find my license number?
What are the labeling requirements?

Labels are required to have the following:

  • Product name and brand name

  • Mention of whether or not a drug is used

  • Purpose statement

  • Guarantee analysis

  • Feed ingredients

  • Directions for use and precautionary statements

  • Name and principal mailing address of the manufacturer or person responsible for distribution the feed

  • Quality statement

More details on labeling requirements can be found at Chapter 41, Commercial Feed.

How do I know if I have to pay tonnage?

If you have a feed license, you owe tonnage. Exception to this rule: If pet food packages of 10 lbs. or less are the only products you sell, you will only owe the registration.

What the requirements for a free sale and how can I get one?