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Podcast from St. Ambrose University KALA's "Relevant or Irrelevant" (R.O.I.) Radio Program
Environmental Engineer Mike Bourland talks about Abandoned Coal Mine Land Reclamation in Iowa
Construction Specs
00000 Summary of Spec Updates 2023
02000 Subsurface Investigation
02010 Field Engineering
02100 Mobilization
02110 Impoundments
02120 Erosion Control
02200 Earthwork Rough Grading
02220 Earthwork Dams
02230 Earthwork Shafts
02250 Earthwork Select Borrow
02300 Drainage General
02310 Drainage Dams
02320 Drainage Septic
02400 Subgrade Prep Without Cover
02410 Subgrade Prep With Cover
02500 Fencing
02700 Seeding