Iowa has 300+ Abandoned Mine Land (AML) sites, 13,000+ acres of abandoned coal mines that affect the landscape primarily in SE Iowa. AML sites typically include dangerous piles and embankments, highwalls, subsidence, pit ponds, polluted water used for agriculture and human consumption, and bare acidic soils that pollute water through erosion, sedimentation and AMD.

Patrick Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Project

Winner: 2023 Interior States Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Award from the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Mahaska DeRonde Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Project

Winner: 2021 National Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Award from the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Logan Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Project

Winner: 2018 National Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Award from the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement


Muchakinock Creek Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Project

Iowa AML program Awards by the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE)

1998 – Regional Award for the Poffenbarger AML Reclamation Project

2006 – Mid-Continent Regional Award for the Trinkle AML Reclamation Project

2009 – Small Project Award for the Waal West AML Reclamation Project

2011 – Mid-Continent Regional Award for the Westercamp AML Reclamation Project

2014 – Mid-Continent Regional Award for the Goff AML Reclamation Project

2018 – National Award for the Logan AML Reclamation Project

2021 – National Award for the De Ronde AML Reclamation Project

2023 – Interior States Award for the Patrick AML Reclamation Project


AML News

Pleasant AML Site, Fees n Law AML Site: Cleaning community waterways through the Watershed Cooperative Agreement Program | Emily Isaac |