Soil Conservation and Water Quality
Water Quality Initiative and
Abandoned mined land reclamation
Cover crops and crop insurance discount program
Financial assistance for conservation projects
Urban conservation
Agricultural drainage wells
Edge of field conservation practices
Water quality project bid opportunities
Watershed protection and water resources
Mineral mining, licensing, bonding and reclamation
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
Soil and Water Conservation District offices
Fuel, Scales, Weights and Measures
Plants and Grain
Food, Produce, Specialty Crops and Organics
Dairy licensing and inspections
WIC & Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Programs
FSMA Produce Safety Rule
Organic Certification Program
Farmers markets
Farm to School and local food initiatives
Opening a meat or poultry processing business
Marketing and labeling of meat and poultry products
Sensitive Crops Registry
Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
Iowa Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI)
Commercial Feed and Fertilizer
Veterinary and Animals
Chronic wasting disease/cervid program
Veterinarian & veterinary technician
Premises Identification Program
Ordering veterinary supplies (tags, CVIs)
Foreign Animal Disease (FAD) Plans
Animal welfare (dogs, cats, small animals)
Horse breeding program
Livestock brands
Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine
Premise Identification Program
Johne's Disease Control Program
Insects and Plants
Choose Iowa
Choose Iowa’s vision is to connect consumers to Iowa produce and food products and expand markets for Iowa farmers. Choose Iowa provides consumers a choice in purchasing food items that originate as an agricultural commodity produced on Iowa farms. The brand promotes foods, beverages and other agricultural products that are grown, raised or made within Iowa. Foods must meet or exceed minimum criteria to proudly wear the Choose Iowa logo on their package or label.
Animals and Livestock
Nursery Stock and Seed
Farmers Markets & Sensitive Crops
Grain, Forage and Feed
Fertilizer & Applicators
Other Lists and Directories